Suggestion about lftp: XDG basedir specification
Eric Heintzmann
2012-12-16 14:21:19 UTC
Please support FreeDesktop.org XDG basedir specification for lftp

More details at:

lftp should not have its own folder (.lftp) anymore.
User data should go into $XDG_DATA_HOME (which default to .local/share),
user preferences should go into $XDG_CONFIG_HOME (which default to
.config) and cached data should go to $XDG_CACHE_HOME (which default to

Full specification can be found at:

The XDG base directory specification that have good de facto adoption.
It has been adopted by
- GNOME (see https://live.gnome.org/GnomeGoals/XDGConfigFolders)
- KDE (see http://techbase.kde.org/KDE_System_Admi ... _Hierarchy
- XFCE (see http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-session/advanced in Files
and Environment Variables)
- many more upstream apps
- Ubuntu (see http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/6557/ )
- Debian
- Fedora
- Suse
- many more distributions

I think that lftp should use same locations than the vast majority of
Desktop environment.

There are real advantages of following this specification :

- a lot less cluttered $HOME
- Make backups a lot more safer and easier. (you know that backuping
your $XDG_DATA_HOME along with your files is enough or excludind
- A lot easier to reset a default configuration if you want/need it (and
without any risk to loose informations). Even for the software itself
could choose to reset $XDG_CONFIG_HOME if needed.
- Avoid some strange bugs that happens because you had a old version of
some configuration file
- A lot more of flexibility and portability because no path are hardcoded.
Alexander V. Lukyanov
2013-01-24 06:52:56 UTC
Post by Eric Heintzmann
Please support FreeDesktop.org XDG basedir specification for lftp
I have implemented this spec, please test the git sources.

For compatibility, ~/.lftp (or $LFTP_HOME) will be used if it exists.

xdg-move script to move the files to XDG directories is included.